To view these pages you'll need a browser that can handle Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Netscape Version 4 or higher, Internet
Explorer 3+ and Opera 3.6+ will do. If your browser does not support style sheets, these pages will look pretty ugly, although
you can still read everything and navigate through the pages.
These pages are best viewed using 1024x780 pixels or higher. 800x600 pixels will do as well, but there's a
lot of scrolling necessary then... TrueColor (24/32 bit) is strongly recommended for the "pictures of the week".
JavaScript is not necessary to view this site. Although users with activated JavaScript will get a
visual gimmick now and then, no important features need JavaScript to be activated. So, if you switched JavaScript off for
security reasons, I respect this decision and won't force you to switch it on again in order to browse my pages.